

Recreational and Respite Services

Sunday Club

KEF provide morning and afternoon sessions every Sunday at the KEF Centre. There is a separate older girls morning session and older boys afternoon session.


The sessions offer a range of exciting and creative activities including arts and crafts, baking, sports and music therapy, as well as the use of the specialist facilities which the Centre has to offer.

Holiday Play-Schemes

KEF's holiday play-schemes take place in the shorter school holidays. KEF offers an action packed programme of activities and entertainment in the KEF Centre, providing the children with a fantastic fun-filled few days.


KEF arrange a number of outings throughout the year including both Sukkos and Pesach Chol Hamoed and other school holidays.


The outings offer the children a fantastic day out with their friends as well as provide the parents and families with a day of respite.

Creative Club

The KEF Older Girls Creative Club provides a weekly social group and opportunity for our teenage girls and young adults to meet at the KEF Centre. It takes place on a Motze Shabbos during the Winter and on a Wednesday night during the Spring/Summer.

The creative club partake in an exciting programme of creative art sessions as well as opportunities to give to the community.

Sports Club

KEF's Wednesday sports club offers our older boys division the opportunity to partake in a variety of sport activities with a specialist instructor in our KEF Centre.

Baking Club

Baking club takes place each Tuesday after-school in the KEF Centre.


The KEF children and young adults are supported to engage in various baking activites. A delicious supper is served each week and the children and young adults contribute to the making of the supper.

Buddy Scheme

The buddy scheme pairs the KEF children and young adults with a volunteer who visits them in their home or takes them out on a regular basis.


This provides the KEF children and young adults with an opportunity to develop a special relationship with their buddy whilst providing regular support and respite to their family.

Residential Respite Services

Residential Weekends

KEF's residential weekends provide the parents and families with a weekend of respite and a chance to regain their energy. The children are provided with a weekend away, filled with an exciting programme in a warm and loving environment.


We ensure that each individual child’s needs are catered for and the safety and care for the children is our priority. 


KEF hold various Shabbatons throughout the year for the different divisions and age groups.


Summer & Winter Residential Camps

KEF's summer and winter residential camps provide one week in the winter holidays and two weeks during the summer break of much needed respite.


KEF camps are a unique experience enriched with care, happiness and endless fun brought to the children by the dedicated, experienced and trained volunteers and medical team. Camp is the highlight of both the campers and volunteers year and many children forge very close relationships with their volunteers that continue throughout the year.


Each camp has a themed programme with various divisions to support our varied age groups and abilities. The daily programme includes exciting outings, swimming, on-site activities, entertainers, concerts and lots more! Each child is given opportunities to be stimulated and motivated, catering to their individual needs.


KEF Boys is our separate older boys camp division that runs independently both in the winter and summer.


Family Support Services

Sibling Buddy Scheme

The aim of KEF sibling buddies is to enhance the lives of siblings by offering them a regular volunteer to provide extra individualised attention and enjoy activities together, this can be in the home or taking them out.

Sibling buddies can either be one-to-one or where appropriate paired with another sibling a similar age, offering additional benefits to children by helping them meet children their age in a similar situation.

Sibling Events

KEF's sibling events take place a few times throughout the year for the siblings of the KEF children. The siblings are given the opportunity to relax and make friends with other siblings their age facing the same challenges as they are, in a really fun and warm environment. 


The sibling programme is fun and varied and includes both exciting activities in the KEF Centre as well as occasional trips. 



Shmooze Groups

Looking after a child with a physical or learning disability on a daily basis can be both physically and emotionally challenging and isolating.


KEF's Shmooze group offers an opportunity for the mothers to switch off from the constant worries of supporting their child and relax in a supportive environment while having a good time.

Family Events

KEF's family parties and events offer really positive experiences for the whole family and a chance to have a good time together with other families facing similar challenges.


Each year before Chanukah and Purim, KEF hold a grand themed event, giving all the KEF children and families an opportunity to get together as a part of the KEF family. 


At all KEF events we allocate volunteers to support both the children and their siblings to ensure that everyone feels special.